Национальная выставка ESTONIA»17 (Estonian National Museum (Tartu) on the 14th of July until the 16th of July of 2017)
National philatelic exhibition ESTONIA'17 special ordinance
1. National Estonia Philatelic Society „Estonia“ is organizing the National philatelic exhibition ESTONIA'17 in cooperation AS Estonia Post and Estonian National Museum.
2. The philatelic exhibition ESTONIA'17 is being held in the rooms of Estonian National Museum (Tartu) on the 14th of July until the 16th of July of 2017.
3. Philatelic exhibition ESTONIA'17 is on the Estonian national level of exhibition, it reflects Estica in all competition classes that are recognized by FIP. All people who are philately entusiast can participate. The payment for a stand is 15 EUR (4x4 sheets). Youth class free of charge. REFS Estonia bank account: SWEDPANK AS, Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn SWIFT kood/BIC: HABAEE2X, IBAN EE632200221031260465.
4. On the exhibition it will be guided of the corresponding documents of FIP, the international philately exhibition ESTONIA general regulations and from the present special ordinance.
4.1. Evaluation criteria:
Kuld (Gold) - 90 p.
Suur kullatud hõbe (Large Vermeil) - 85 p.
Kullatud Hõbe (Vermeil) - 80 p.
Suur hõbe (Large Silver) - 75 p.
Hõbe (Silver) - 70 p.
Hõbetatud pronks (Silver Bronze) - 65 p.
Pronks (Bronze) - 60 p.
Diplom - 50 p.
5. Participation applications with the description of the exhibit (recommendedl in English ca ½ A4 format) have to be given personally, by e-mail. expo@refs.ee (signed digitally or equipped with the publisher's signature) or send it to the mailbox previously signed at 20.05.2017 the latest. The applications that arrive later than the set date will be sent back. If there will be sent more exhibition collections than there are stands, then the jury will take the right to make a choice between the exhibition collections. The results will be revealed to the participants on the 1th of June the latest.
6. Exhibition stands are as following: all participants can offer from their collection 1-5 stands. Participants who have gained at least 80 points from previous exhibitions can offer 8 stands. The amount of points and the date of the exhibition must be marked in the application.
7. To promote needle class (1 – 2 frames of expositions), such exhibits are welcomed. It is also allowed to showcase postcards, seals and temples as things that are tightly connected to the history of post.
8. All collections which are offered to the competition classes will be rewarded with a diploma and a medal. Participation diplomas will be given to the collections of the invited and jury classes.
9. The address for the organizing commitee is: REFS Estonia, PK. 3671; 10507 Tallinn, Eesti, e-mail: expo@refs.ee The webpage for the exhibit can be seen on this address: www.refs.ee/näitused
Info – info@refs.ee